Speaking of the latest Class Preview, another fan, gourdcaptain, merged it into the Kickstarter Preview Edition pdf so you can have them all in one spot. If you're a backer, the KS update already has the link, but it you have pre-ordered, just send me a message and I'll hook you up.
The other thing I did was collect up all the various things I've previewed here into one .rar file, which you can find here. This has everything but the Class Preview.
Another Lawgiver, Roman Chayka, asked for a 2d6 variant for out-of-combat, while gourdcaptain asked for a 2d6 variant in combat with reduced chance of Strikes and critical hits. Both of these options have some repercussions and edge cases to be dealt with (Duelist, Archer, -1's, etc.), with regards to various class features, Conditions, and bonuses, but in this post I'll just show you the basics.
Skill Rolls
Roll 2d6 (+2 if Skilled)
On a 12+, Success and an Extra Bonus.
On a 10-11, Success (and you may learn the Skill if Unskilled)
On a 7-9, Twist or Success with a Strike. (DM's choice, but the DM should give this choice back to the player as an in-character decision if possible).
On a 6-, Twist.
The purpose of the above is to take the general format of an Apocalypse World move and translate it into a very general implementation of Strike's mechanics. You can see in this move some evidence of the influence that Apocalypse World had on Strike.
Attack Rolls
Roll 2d6
11-12 Effect + 2xDamage
7-10: Effect + Damage
6: Effect or Damage
4-5: Miss
2-3: Miss and a Strike
This one serves an entirely different purpose. The goal here is to reduce the amount of Strikes and critical hits from 1/6 each to 1/12 each, while keeping the rest of the odds more-or-less the same. Rolling 2d6 in this way will have a more predictable feel. Just because you're using the first variant doesn't mean you'll need to use the second or vice-versa.