The first adventure is out now: Trouble in Hogtown.
A woman found murdered? Barely news in a city of millions. A woman found murdered, shot dead with a gun that cannot be fired, laid out amid profane symbols painted in her own blood? You'll need to work fast to make sure this murder doesn't make the news at all, and faster to figure out whodunit, because you're pretty sure you don't want to see what happens if the killers finish what they've started...
If you want to get that adventure and the Strike! Vehicles mini-expansion for free, you can pledge to my Patreon to subscribe to all the new Strike! content I'm producing. For a limited time, any new patrons will get the first two mini-expansions free of charge! There has never been a better time to sign up. The next expansion coming up is a great one: the Rogue, a full new class. You have three options as a Rogue: the Poisoner whose toxins can quickly render enemies useless, the Brawler whose tricks make enemies give up advantage to you and your allies, or the Backstabber whose devastating attacks can hit enemies for massive damage.
Even if you already have the first expansions, I would love it if you would pledge to my Patreon - it's the best way to show your support for my work in making Strike! ever better. And if you're not a fan of Patreon, you can always buy the expansions individually.
If you are looking for a place to discuss Strike! with other fans, we now have a Google+ community set up. People are already sharing cool content there, so check it out and join in the fun!
The guide to making macros on is up on the Downloads page, written by Gabriel Butche. is a fantastic way to play Strike! online, making it easy to grab a pre-made map to use or to use the drawing tools to hastily improvise one for an unplanned combat. Macros make it even smoother and easier to use.